Name: Japan Brewers Cup 2018
Brewery: Various
Style: Various
Purchased at: Ticket purchased at the door.
Price: ¥500 per ticket
Taste: 10/10
Alcohol Level: Various, up to like 10 or 15%
Music: Bands unknown to me, but good.
Snack: Grilled Lamb, Fish and Chips.
I was on my way down to Tokyo planning on
doing some walking around some smaller temples. I’ve been watching what I eat
recently and cutting down on beers and bad food. Well all that went out the
window when I found out there was a craft beer festival on in Yokohama.

The building that the festival was held in
was awesome. It was right by the sea and made entirely of wood. It was curvy
too, it felt like walking on the back of a giant whale, entering through the
blowhole to devour the beers where its brain would be.
When I entered I was in shock. Inside the
large room, lining the walls, were a large number of craft brewery stalls, all
offering their unique brews. It was unreal. There was also a grilled meat
vendor and a place that had fish and chips. Bloody oath.

So I went with an old favourite: Harvest
Moon brewery. I first tried these guys at the Snow Monkey beer festival. I was
drawn to them because I like the video game series named Harvest Moon, and the
Neil Young album Harvest Moon. Jeez a great night would be listening to Harvest
Moon while playing Harvest Moon and drinking some Harvest Moon. So I got their
sampling set, some fish and chips and went outside.
It was pretty cold, but a lot of people turned up. As
the host pointed out on stage later, there were a lot of non-Japanese people
there. I’d say at least a third of the people there. Families were turning up.
There was a dude asleep already. There were some huge security guards, but I
doubt they were needed. The overall atmosphere was so friendly and fun feeling.
I finished those beers and went back
inside. This time I went with Oh La Ho! a favourite of mine that I’ve reviewed
before. I felt like I should support my fellow Nagano residents. This time I
went with some grilled lamb, which is a bit rare in Japan. They also had wild
boar and deer, but I didn’t want to tempt fate with shitting myself while I
didn’t have a quick exit or a real idea of where I was.
After all that I came back inside. There
were bands playing so I decided to watch them. As I was drinking outside and
idol band were on stage. This seemed like a really odd choice for a beer
festival. They had a lot of fans there though, glowsticks flaring. When I went
inside though and band that had an acoustic guitar, violin, harmonica with
effects and drums where on. They were really damn cool and suited the mood so
much better. I didn’t get their name though which sucked. I was feeling the
beer pretty hard at that point, so maybe I enjoyed them more than I would
otherwise. Off to the side I saw the idol band having a meet and greet with
their rather intense fans. I guess if you paid extra you could go behind the
booth and have a close talking conversation with them where they pretended to
be interested in what you were saying.
During this time I had many more beers, but
I can’t remember the breweries. I walked around and got a beer from any place
that had no customers and looked lonely.
Overall I rate this event a 10/10. Heaps of
beer at a good price, good food, not overcrowded, no dickheads and no annoying
rules like not being able to go outside or anything. It reminded me of a larger
Snow Monkey beer festival. If you get the chance to check out a beer festival
in Japan, bloody do it.
Beer Cup Website:
Oh La Ho! Beer:
Harvest Moon Beer: